Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Intern Diaries : It Starts

Life has been busy and guess what? It's only going to get busier. Day one of my internship with the florist starts on Saturday. I will be helping with transport of flowers and unloading supplies. Then next Saturday I really get to get my hands dirty with an eight-hour day and more responsibility. The florist is actually coordinating this wedding and therefore has many more tasks to delegate. I will be that person who picks up the cupcakes, sugar flowers, and other important things; then prays that everything stays in place for an hour long drive to the wedding venue. I've heard this wedding will be one for the books and I can't wait to see what the florist does with it: 200 guests, lounge area, elaborate centerpieces, etc. I'm excited to see how it all turns out and I will certainly be reporting back! I am plugging away at the Pretend Weddings that have been submitted so far and loving the fresh ideas. Thank you for this inspiration.

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